Discussion List

The MD Single Payer mailing list is a restricted list– you must subscribe to the list before you can post or read messages on this list. The purpose of this list is to disseminate and share relevant information pertaining to MD Single Payer activities and issues.

All messages are open for public review. You do not have to be a member of the MD Single Payer to subscribe to the MD Single Payer listserve mailing list.

The list is not moderated. What this means is that all messages are automatically posted without prior review by a moderator (there is no censorship). However, any user found to be abusing the list or other users will be disallowed from further posting messages. If you see any signs of abuse, please notify the list manager at: mailabuse@mdsinglepayer.org.

If you only want to receive a few moderated news and updates a month, please sign up here.

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